                Masters Vance Masters


Page 2

G. Yaskiw
December 2, 2021 at 4:15 PM
It has been a long time, where does time go? I hope you and your family are doing well during this unprecedented pandemic. I have to tell you how very impressed I am with your updated web site. Kudos, you hit a home run everything is so sincere, educational and concise... love it! Your web page Visitor Comments guest book section shows a picture of Vance wearing a Canada hoodie. Now it's story time.

That picture was 22 years ago in Dryden at the Patricia Inn. The hand you see in front of Vance, well that's my hand. Vance had a big smile on his face because I decided to "turn Maestro" after a wee bit of liquid courage (thanks Vance for introducing me to Mr. Jim Beam *wink*). I recall as if it was yesterday, that a small group of us "die-hards" congregated in the upstairs "Taj Mahal" of the Patricia's hotel rooms. That room had a kitchenette, so we felt like Royalty. The late Sonny Harris was there with us as well (rest in peace Sonny we had some good times brother). Back to the marvelous hotel now ...

That place was indeed full of surprises. Whether it be breakers tripping, lights failing, mystery odours, water being shut off due to broken sewer lines (mmmm), your floor tom catching fire, or the last of us die-hards catching a 6:00 AM breakfast, we were all still content and made due with what we had at hand. How did we all manage to make it home in one piece? I vividly remember the old green stretched 460 Ford van that got 6MPG and had no heat in the winter, and it had ... tires ... well kind of. Absolutely fantastic! Good thing there was always a cassette tape case available to scrape the INSIDE of the windshield, so we could clear the frost and see where the hell we were going. I recall old "rusty" permanently retired in front of Richer MB. while on route to a gig, ouch! I'm so glad you guys all made it through that alive and well, with minimal injury. In my limited time hanging with you guys during the Guns 4 Hire days, I have to tell you it was an honour to be part of the extended family in that chapter of your life (and mine). I will always cherish my memories with you all. Through the good and the bad, the good memories always remain. Those still remain, some of the best memories of my life.

Take Care

Cindy Drysdale
May 24, 2020 at 1:32 PM
Ohhhhh…the compliments here are so very kind with memories abound! Retirement must not be easy for you after such an AMAZING career, VJ! Love, your cousin, Cindy.

Kevin MacIver
November 26, 2018 at 7:58 PM
Loved the Guns 4 Hire interview.. Well said Vinnie.  

Doug Graham Smith
October 30, 2017 at 8:09 PM
Upon Reflection: We were young when you were cooking up a storm on stage driving ‘Shop Around’ with the 5am Event at the River Heights Community Club. I think it was Doc Steen at the mic.

Penner, Loeb and McCrae just loved what they did! Those motown days: utterly superb!!!

The Fifth was a time of musical discovery for all the members.

Those years of musical growth for yourself and Kurt proved that two seasoned vets could still grow beyond their own expectations!

That Winters style just sprouted as did your smooth insertion of drum licks with a solid syncopation you honed even further. Melvin always felt special when he got to participate. And René: ah well: that’s Ron! Haha. Memories of Grabowski usually include that damn Leslie I had to struggle with. Thanks Jimmie. We always had Minot! Those tunes that were played where each player was playing a different song, and yet somehow the blend was coordinated! Man that was funny! Those were times of Adventure.

Dianne (God bless her) and the Merry Go Round was one special band (rock orchestra) you on the Drum chair with Wallace working his wonders. Bill was so damn good it was amazing to observe his genius simplicity of style. That French Horn was his trophy of musical stature. Kurt by now had mastered his style which was unmistakably Winters ! There were no others. Dianne and her panache: what honesty in a voice! All this with your drumming directing the success of each selection. It was a band well loved by every audience it drew. A pleasure to experience for the listeners.

My final experiences with your progressing career was: yeah…

The Brother. Man what a world class trio. Each member worthy of a position in the band! All seasoned, all creative, all very very real accomplished talents in one band. The mix of three tight knit musicians well versed in each others abilities. I’ve seen and experienced thousands of band in my lifetime! That band was ‘the Band’. Years and years of hard playing for each member culminating in what is very probably the one Canadian Band that truly could be called World Class in all its aspects. Skill, creativity, composition and stage presence. I left just after Brother played the University of Winnipeg to a packed house. Every person in that place were mesmerized when they heard the band play their own tunes. Songs written and composed by the Group. And when the Brother played Bus Rider or Hand Me Down World the audience actually heard the true sound, style and groove of just what these songs are meant to be! The sound, phenomenal in its power, it’s subtitles and relentless drive of songs by their creators! Their sound vision was never duplicated by others! It was Brother! The band!

This will be my final correspondence! God Bless Vance!

The whole scene was truly a memorable adventure.

Superb drumming really is a gift. You had it.

Sandra Keegan
November 6, 2016 at 9:01 PM
Hello, do you remember me? Back through the mists of time!! I met you in a club called The Sink, and then I went to all of your bookings in Liverpool, (usually with a friend called Beryl, who was friendly with Terry!) I have often wondered what happened when you returned to Canada. Are you still in contact with Glenn and Terry? If so please pass on my very best wishes to them. I used to have your record, and signed photos, but unfortunately they have got lost through various house-moves. I just can’t believe where the years have gone, I am SO pleased I found your website. I hope life has been good to you, Sandra

Cindy Drysdale
February 25, 2016 at 10:07 PM
Hey, VJ! Bev is a ‘MASTER’ (pardon the sort of pun – LOL!) building this website! I’m enjoying reading all of this history!

Lee Owens
May 21, 2015 at 8:25 PM
I can’t get any of the music to play. I really want to hear the Brother stuff. Oh how I wish there were recordings I could hear of their versions of Bus Rider and Hand Me Down World.

Doug Graham Smith
April 28, 2015 at 12:03 AM
When I worked for you and the bands 45 years ago I thought you to be the most musical drummer I had ever known! I went into Architecture and thoroughly enjoyed every second of a 30 year career! You continued your musical career to become a celebrity both to fans and musicians alike! It was a privilege to have known you for a short time in my life. You were a brilliant musician, composer, a man of quality! Hat’s off to you, “Smitty”

Mary Beth
November 15, 2013 at 2:35 AM
Met you several times in the 80″s…first time at South East Missouri State University and then when you guys played at Six Flags St. Louis for a week. I know you have met millions of people through the years and don’t expect you to remember me or the times we spent together after the shows. You guys were so much fun. I am not sure if you even check this blog or even how old this blog is…….reason I am trying to contact you is I have a son (Johnny)….he is so sweet and plays the drums so well. I have pictures of you in our music room and have shared with my kids what a great drummer you are many times. I have been blessed with four talented kids and our house is filled with two drum kits, keyboards and many guitars etc. I am sure you have been asked many times but I would love for you to send my son signed drum sticks of yours. Johnny is a senior this year and my youngest daughter in grade school is also a very good drummer. We had to move from St. Louis to Texas right before school started. My son is so down and to receive something like this will make him so happy. I am not holding my breath but hope somehow you do see this and email me so I can give you my mailing address.
Mary Beth

David Maye
November 4, 2013 at 2:48 AM
Hey Vance, I met you quite a number of years ago in Montreal and a small place you were playing with The Guess Who. It was a cold, miserable night outside, but paradice inside. I met some members of my all time favorite band Ther Guess Who. You fellas gave me and my buddy a press kit. Burton was always the voice of The Guess Who, but Donnie was the best guy ever to fill his shoes. There weren’t many in the club and we had a private, up close show. Donnie even performed.”The Glace Bay Blues,” for me. I was born there. I have the 2 Guess Who albums on vinyl you guys did. I should get the cd’s. It was cool to sit down with you all, have a drink and chat. I will never forget this evening. I believe I sent you some pics years ago. My camera was a cheap one and the quality wasn’t very good. I did sign your Guest Book years ago Vance. Any chance of a return to Montreal. I did buy tat Brother cd from you quite a few years back. Kurt was great. I still weqr a Garnett t-shirt with the sleeves cut out. Cummings and Bachman pointed us out in the audience at a concert.
Alll the best,
David Maye

May 23, 2013 at 6:13 AM
Soooo many memories Thanks for sharing – Mugs

Louise Harder-Penrice
April 27, 2010 at 03:48 PM

Vance with Mel Ksionzek 2017
Vance with Mel Ksionzek, 2017

                                in Dryden 2001
Vance in Dryden, ON 2001
(Photo credit: G. Yaskiw)

Guns 4 Hire Christmas 1998
Guns 4 Hire Christmas 1998
L-R:  Sonny Harris, Vance Masters,
Mike Hrehoruk, Glenn Green

Las Vegas 2010
Las Vegas 2010
Standing:  Bev Masters
Seated L-R: Arlene Patera (sister), Vance, Vance Masters, Jr

Vance in Washington 2005
Just outside of
Seattle, Washington 2005

Vance & Bev at the 2005 Junos
Vance & Bev at the
Juno Awards Gala Dinner
April 2, 2005

Vance 1981
Vance 1981
(Photo credit: David M. Perich)



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